Many friends and well-known scientists, headed by his friend Albert Einstein, urged Dr. Albert Schweitzer to protest in public against nuclear bombs and the atomic tests. Renowned scientists had the idea that the reputation of Albert Schweitzer could help to awaken the public to the problem of nuclear pollution and the consequent danger to human beings.
On the 4th of November 1954, in his acceptance speech in Oslo for the Nobel Peace Prize of 1952, Schweitzer spoke of the danger of nuclear weapons.Albert Schweitzer's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture

In 1957 Schweitzer published 'A Declaration of Conscience', his public appeal against the development of nuclear weapons. Radio Oslo broadcast Schweitzer's "Declaration of Conscience". The manuscripts were read by Gunnar Jahn, the president of the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee. The broadcasts were made by radio Oslo on the 28th, 29th and 30th of April 1958. There were various echoes around the world. The declaration was transmitted by 140 other radio stations all around the world. Many broadcast services - in the east and west - were forbidden by their governments to broadcast it.
The statements, 'The Renunciation of Nuclear Tests', 'The Danger of an Atomic War', and 'Negotiations at the Highest Level' call for the abandonment of both nuclear tests and the production of nuclear weapons, and are published in book form under the title 'Peace or Atomic War?'.
original http://icanw.org/1957
"我們不斷被告知有關 '的輻射容許量'。誰允許它?誰有任何權利,以允許它?這種宣傳 [關於核子試驗的安全] 將繼續在某些報紙上定下了基調。但在它旁邊的核危險的真相測試謙和沿,影響公眾輿論日益節遊行。長遠來說,即使是最高效地組織的宣傳可以做什麼對真理。
許多朋友和知名科學家,率領他的朋友亞伯特 · 愛因斯坦,敦促哲醫生,抗議在公眾免受核炸彈和原子的測試。著名科學家們的史懷哲的聲譽可能有助於喚醒公眾對問題的核污染和對人類造成危險的想法。
在 1954 年 11 月 4 日,在演說中在奧斯陸舉行的諾貝爾和平獎的 1952 年史懷哲談到核武器的危險。史懷哲的諾貝爾和平獎演講
史懷哲寫信給美國總統德懷特 · 艾森豪的一封信:"我的心我帶的希望,我不知怎麼可能能夠對世界的和平作出貢獻。我知道這一直是我們最深切的願望。我們這兩個共用人類必須找到辦法,以控制武器現在威脅著地球上的生命的生存的信念。它會為我們兩人,有朝一日當世界人民將實現全人類的命運現在處於危險之中,並且會很迫切需要做出大膽的決定,可以充分處理的世界現在發現自己的痛苦狀況。"
1957 年史懷哲發表 ' A 宣言的良心 ',他公開呼籲反對發展核武器。奧斯陸無線電廣播史懷哲的"良心宣言"。手稿由甘納爾 · Jahn,挪威諾貝爾獎委員會主席被讀取。無線電奧斯陸第 28、 29 和的 1958 年 4 月 30 號發了廣播節目。有世界各地的各種回聲。宣言 》 轉交了 140 其他世界各地的廣播電臺。許多廣播的服務-東和西-由其政府被禁止播放它。
發言中,' 核測試的放棄 '、 ' 的原子戰爭的危險,' 和 '最高級別談判' 呼籲放棄既核子試驗和核武器的生產和刊載以書籍的形式 '和平或原子戰爭?' 的標題下。
original http://icanw.org/1957
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