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Similarity to wind turbines
Tidal stream generators draw energy from water currents in much the same way as wind turbines
draw energy from air currents. However, the potential for power
generation by an individual tidal turbine can be greater than that of
similarly rated wind energy turbine. The higher density of water
relative to air (water is about 800 times the density of air) means that
a single generator can provide significant power at low tidal flow
velocities compared with similar wind speed.[3]
Given that power varies with the density of medium and the cube of
velocity, it is simple to see that water speeds of nearly one-tenth of
the speed of wind provide the same power for the same size of turbine
system; however this limits the application in practice to places where
the tide moves at speeds of at least 2 knots (1 m/s) even close to neap tides.
Furthermore, at higher speeds in a flow between 2 to 3 metres per
second in seawater a tidal turbine can typically access four times as
much energy per rotor swept area as a similarly rated power wind
Types of tidal stream generators
Since tidal stream generators are an immature technology, no standard
technology has yet emerged as the clear winner, but a large variety of
designs are being experimented with, some very close to large scale
deployment. Several prototypes have shown promise with many companies
making bold claims, some of which are yet to be independently verified,
but they have not operated commercially for extended periods to
establish performances and rates of return on investments.
The European Marine Energy Centre[4] categorises them under four heads although a number of other approaches are also being tried.
Axial turbines
These are close in concept to traditional windmills operating under
the sea and have the most prototypes currently operating. These include:
The AR-1000, a 1MW tidal turbine developed by Atlantis Resources
Corporation which was successfully deployed and commissioned at the EMEC
facility during the summer of 2011. The AR series turbines are
commercial scale Horizontal Axis Turbines designed for open ocean
deployment in the harshest environments on the planet. AR turbines
feature a single rotor set with highly efficient fixed pitch blades. The
AR turbine is rotated as required with each tidal exchange. This is
done in the slack period between tides and fixed in place for the
optimal heading for the next tide. AR turbines are rated at 1MW @
2.65m/s of water flow velocity.
Kvalsund, south of Hammerfest, Norway. Although still a prototype, a turbine with a reported capacity of 300 kW was connected to the grid on 13 November 2003.
A 300 kW Periodflow marine current propeller type turbine — Seaflow — was installed by Marine Current Turbines off the coast of Lynmouth, Devon, England, in 2003.
The 11m diameter turbine generator was fitted to a steel pile which was
driven into the seabed. As a prototype, it was connected to a dump
load, not to the grid.
Since April 2007 Verdant Power has been running a prototype project in the East River between Queens and Roosevelt Island in New York City; it was the first major tidal-power project in the United States.[8]
The strong currents pose challenges to the design: the blades of the
2006 and 2007 prototypes broke off, and new reinforced turbines were
installed in September 2008.
Following the Seaflow trial, a full-size prototype, called SeaGen,
was installed by Marine Current Turbines in Strangford Lough in
Northern Ireland in April 2008. The turbine began to generate at full
power of just over 1.2 MW in December 2008 and is reported to have fed 150 kW into the grid for the first time on
17 July 2008, and has now contributed more than a gigawatt hour to
consumers in Northern Ireland. It is currently the only commercial scale device to have been installed anywhere in the world.
SeaGen is made up of two axial flow rotors, each of which drive a
generator. The turbines are capable of generating electricity on both
the ebb and flood tides because the rotor blades can pitch through 180˚.
OpenHydro, an Irish company exploiting the Open-Centre Turbine developed in the U.S., has a prototype being tested at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), in Orkney, Scotland.
A prototype semi-submerged floating tethered tidal turbine called Evopod has been tested since June 2008[ in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland at 1/10 scale. The company developing it is called Ocean Flow Energy Ltd, and they are based in the UK.
The advanced hull form maintains optimum heading into the tidal stream
and it is designed to operate in the peak flow of the water column.
Tenax Energy of Australia is proposing to put 450 turbines off the coast of the Australian city Darwin, in the Clarence Strait.
The turbines feature a rotor section that is approximately 15 metres in
diameter with a gravity base which is slighter larger than this to
support the structure. The turbines will operate in deep water well
below shipping channels. Each turbine is forecast to produce energy for
between 300 and 400 homes.
Tidalstream, a UK-based company, has commissioned a
scaled-down Triton 3 turbine in the Thames, see picture on the right,
and photographs maintained on their website.
It can be floated out to site, installed without cranes, jack-ups or
divers, and then ballasted into operating position. At full scale the
Triton 3 in 30-50m deep water has a 3MW capacity, and the Triton 6 in
60-80m water has a capacity of up to 10MW, depending on the flow. Both
platforms have man-access capability both in the operating position and
in the float-out maintenance position.
Potential sites
As with wind power, selection of location is critical for the tidal
turbine. Tidal stream systems need to be located in areas with fast
currents where natural flows are concentrated between obstructions, for
example at the entrances to bays and rivers, around rocky points,
headlands, or between islands or other land masses. The following
potential sites are under serious consideration:
- Pembrokeshire in Wales
- River Severn between Wales and England
- Cook Strait in New Zealand
- Kaipara Harbour in New Zealand
- Bay of Fundy[45] in Canada.
- East River[46][47] in the USA
- Golden Gate in the San Francisco Bay
- Piscataqua River in New Hampshire
- The Race of Alderney and The Swinge in the Channel Islands
- The Sound of Islay, between Islay and Jura in Scotland
- Pentland Firth between Caithness and the Orkney Islands, Scotland
- Humboldt County, California in the United States
- Columbia River, Oregon in the United States
- Taiwan in the East Coast
Modern advances in turbine
technology may eventually see large amounts of power generated from the
ocean, especially tidal currents using the tidal stream designs but
also from the major thermal current systems such as the Gulf Stream, which is covered by the more general term marine current power.
Tidal stream turbines may be arrayed in high-velocity areas where
natural tidal current flows are concentrated such as the west and east
coasts of Canada, the Strait of Gibraltar, the Bosporus, and numerous sites in Southeast Asia
and Australia. Such flows occur almost anywhere where there are
entrances to bays and rivers, or between land masses where water
currents are concentrated.
Environmental impacts
Very little direct research or observation of tidal stream systems
exists. Most direct observations consist of releasing tagged fish
upstream of the device(s) and direct observation of mortality or impact
on the fish.
One study of the Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy (RITE, Verdant Power)
project in the East River (New York City), utilized 24 split beam
hydroacoustic sensors (scientific echosounder)
to detect and track the movement of fish both upstream and downstream
of each of six turbines. The results suggested (1) very few fish using
this portion of the river, (2) those fish which did use this area were
not using the portion of the river which would subject them to blade
strikes, and (3) no evidence of fish traveling through blade areas.
Work is currently being conducted by the Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC )to
explore and establish tools and protocols for assessment of physical
and biological conditions and monitor environmental changes associated
with tidal energy development. (Original.....
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