
US Border Crisis

Editor Junogalaxy
Date 28-01-2024 

👉🏻 Part 1

At US/Mexico Border With Arizona Sheriff (Exclusive Excess) 🇺🇸🇲🇽

By Peter Santenello

Down on the southern border in Yuma, AZ is a surreal and alarming situation taking place. Today we meet up with Sheriff Wilmot who brings us in with full access. There are over 100 nationalities crossing in Yuma, all orchestrated by the Mexican cartels. No matter where you stand on the border issue, it’s an issue that needs attention since its current state is unsustainable.

👉🏻👉🏻 Part 2

At US/Mexico Border With Texas Sheriff (Exclusive Excess) 🇺🇸🇲🇽

Out in West Texas is a rugged landscape full of grand vistas and big skies. It's also a place that's dealing with a large increase of migrants. Join me as we meet up with Sheriff Ronny Dodson of Brewster County to get a better understanding of this complex situation. 

👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 Part 3

FBI Luminaries Starkly Warn Congress that U.S. Being Invaded at Border: ‘Alarming and Perilous’

by John Solomon

👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 With a constitutional crisis brewing in Texas and voters nationwide alarmed by the toll of illegal immigration, some of the FBI’s most famous retired executives are issuing a stark warning to Congress that President Joe Biden’s border policies have unleashed an “invasion” of military-aged male foreigners who pose “one of the most pernicious ever” threats to American security.

Ten former FBI executives – some who oversaw the bureau’s intelligence, counterterrorism, criminal and training operations – expressed their alarm in a letter dated Jan. 17 to House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Leader Chuck Schumer and the chairmen of the House and Senate committees that preside over the U.S. intelligence and Homeland Security apparatus.

Their language affirms that of both current FBI Director Christopher Wray, who testified the nation’s security lights are “blinking red,” and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who alleges Biden’s loosening of border security has allowed an “invasion” of America by foreigners with troubling origins and attributes.

“In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now,” the FBI luminaries wrote. “Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands – not by splashing ashore from a ship or parachuting from a plane but rather by foot across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted.  (Keep Reading )