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‘Stand up and say no’: Churches fight government over vaccine mandate
‘Stand up and say no’: Churches fight government over vaccine mandate
Original By Michael Koziol
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Health Minister Brad Hazzard is standing firm behind plans to require churchgoers to show proof of vaccination when NSW reopens, despite religious leaders pushing for an exemption on the grounds no one should be turned away from church.
Catholic Archbishop of Sydney Anthony Fisher, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Kanishka Raffel and other faith leaders are lobbying Mr Hazzard directly on the issue, and some ministers have publicly contemplated civil disobedience if the government keeps the requirement.
“Churches have a responsibility to minister to all, regardless of immunisation status, so we will be discussing with government how we can fulfil that ministry commitment in future stages of the recovery,” Archbishop Raffel told The Sun-Herald. “We want everybody to be safe at church, but we also want to make sure we minister to everybody.”
Sydney archbishops have challenged Health Minister Brad Hazzard over the government’s plans to make vaccination a requirement to go to church.CREDIT:COMPOSITE
The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney Anthony Fisher said he and other religious leaders had told the government worship was “an essential service, not mere recreation” for many people.
The road map announced last week allows places of worship to reopen to vaccinated people with capacity limited to one person per four square metre rule, once 70 per cent of NSW adults are fully vaccinated, estimated to be around the middle of October. Singing will not be allowed.
Saturday, September 11: New South Wales has recorded 1599 new cases of coronavirus, Health Minister Brad Hazzard has announced. Eight people have died from the virus including a person in their 30s.
The government has not clarified what will happen at 80 per cent double dose vaccination.
Last week before the road map was announced, Phil Colgan, minister at St George North Anglican Church, told The Pastor’s Heart podcast he could not imagine a scenario in which he would turn away parishioners who weren’t vaccinated.
“Even if it is consistent and churches are treated the same as cinemas … I still question whether the government has the right to impose on churches something we don’t accept,” he said.
“I think it’s really important to note that all of our acceptance of government limitations to date I consider to have been voluntary, that the government doesn’t have the right to forbid people meeting as Christians, and we have chosen to accept and comply - rightly in my view.
“But there might come a time, like with a vaccine passport for me, where I would say ‘the government requires that but we are now going to stand up and say no’, even though it is consistent with what they’re requiring for cinemas and so forth.
“I can’t ever see a time when I would deny someone access to fellowship on the grounds of their vaccination status .
Are the Covid injections the 'Abomination of Desolation' ?
Are the Covid injections the 'Abomination of Desolation' ?
Published 13 days ago |
The Abomination of Desolation
The Abomination of Desolation
The abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15) is another one of those prophetic topics that meets with a lot of misunderstanding and a lot of speculation. Some Christians, including theologians have said that it was Antiochus Epiphanes who sacrificed a pig in the temple nearly 200 years before Christ was even born. But to just state one point, why would the Word of God put such emphasis on this event that has long past and no longer has any relevancy?
After Jesus stated to the Apostles in Matthew chapter 24 that the day would come when every stone of the temple would be torn down, the Apostles asked Jesus two questions. One was, when would this happen and the other was, what would be the signs of His coming.
And so Jesus responded by speaking of these two time periods. One was the destruction of the temple by the Roman army in 70 A.D just after His first coming, and the other time period was of course referring to His second coming.
Many have missed that Matthew 24 is one of those chapters that has a dual application. Jesus was paralleling the events and persecution that were about to unfold with the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D with events to unfold at the end of time just before His second coming.
The abomination of desolation was a warning of when one had to flee to the mountains to avoid persecution with the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. (Matthew 24:16-22) but it was also to be a warning of when to flee to the mountains in the end of time to avoid persecution during the tribulation years before the second coming of Christ.
So who or what is the abomination of desolation becomes a very relevant question for those living in the end times to avoid death and persecution.
According to Albert Barnes Bible commentary, the abomination of desolation is a Hebrew expression that means an abominable or hateful destroyer. As also identified by this famous theologian, the first abomination of desolation is the Roman army and is so identified by the parallel gospel of Luke. (Luke 21:20)
The Roman army is further called the abomination on the account of the images of the emperor and the eagles carried in front of the legions and were regarded by the Romans with divine honors.
The book of Mark says, “standing where it ought not,” which means the same thing. So the meaning being is that, “when you see the Roman armies standing in the holy city or the Roman ensigns in the temple.”
Josephus stated that when the city was taken that the Romans brought their idols into the temple and placed them above the eastern gate and sacrificed to them there.
So while the abomination of desolation is known for the time of the destruction of the temple, it does not identify what the abomination of desolation is that parallels in the end times. This is of course what is most relevant to us living in the end days.
This site covers this topic in thorough detail so one can know when to flee to the mountains being the time of when persecution is about to begin.
So please read the following page titled what is the abomination of desolation for a detailed account on what we need to know to be prepared for the second coming of Christ.
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A HORROR event saw a man's brain leak for nine months after taking a nasal swab test for COVID-19, according to experts who analysed a CT scan.