A Nuclear-Free Future is Our Common Dream: Letter from the Japanese Activists Deported from India
To our friends who struggle for nuclear free future,
A historic movement is underway in Tamil Nadu State against Koodankulam nuclear power station. People across the world are moved by the resistance and want to express solidarity
We tried to visit India to show our solidarity on September 25 but were denied access at Chennai airport. After an hour-long interrogation, we had our paper written as “Inadmissible person” ,which denied our entrance to India. It is unforgivable for the government, which invites countless nuclear merchants from Western countries, to deny such small citizens like us. We are writing this letter because we would like you to know what we experienced.
(Keep reading fb://faceweb/f?href=%2Fsharer.php%3Fu%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Ffbshare.me%252Fl69h%26t%3DA%2BNuclear-Free%2BFuture%2Bis%2BOur%2BCommon%2BDream%253A%2BLetter%2Bfrom%2Bthe%2BJapanese%2BActivists%2BDeported%2Bfrom%2BIndia%2B%25E2%2580%2594%2BDiaNuke.org%26_rdr)
Fukushima Shadow: Question about any medical issues in Koriyama-city:
Excerpts from the Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial gathering held in Tokyo on September 14, 2012
Question about any medical issues in Koriyama-city:
A man’s comment
“I am here from Yokohama. I was diagnosed with arrhythmia one year ago at a check-up. This spring I was told my EKG was abnormal. Also my red blood cell and white blood cell count was abnormal, but the doctor told me it was no big deal and I was working too much. I actually don’t work. Also my right little fingernail split in half recently. Something like this has never happened to me before, and I don’t feel good about it at all. One more thing is that my tooth cracked when eating something hard. I realize I can’t blame everything on radiation, but I don’t feel comfortable with any of these (symptoms). How is it in Koriyama? Are there abnormalities such as arrhythmia?”
Koriyama-city woman’s response
“Thank you for being here, everyone. I would like to talk about what has been happening around me. Last May, an aunt of my daughter’s friend, a woman in her early 40’s, was found dead of heart failure while waiting in a car for about 15 minutes when her husband went into a store to pick up something for their restaurant business located in front of the station: They had gone to the neighboring Ibaraki Prefecture for an errand.
Last May or June, a woman in her early 40’s, an evacuee from Tomioka-machi living in a temporary housing in Koriyama-city, dropped dead when she touched a door. She was taken to Southern General Tohoku Hospital in Koriyama-city, but she died.
Also you might have heard that two to three Fukushima high school students have died. The one that died in July is a friend of a son of my acquaintance. They went to the same elementary school, but they are in different high schools. When the mother went to wake up the child, the child was already dead.
There is a place called Shinobuyama (in Fukushima-city) where an ambient radiation level is very high. (Note: 1.484 μSv/h on September 18, 2012) Fukushima high school students go there to do sports without wearing masks and also commute to schools on bicycles without wearing masks.
Also it might be from aging process, but my acquaintance’s huband died last May, which I didn’t know until the end of the year. I went to the altar shop
near my house to buy incense sticks and candles. The old man at the shop came out and said, “I just went to a funeral and I am totally astonished. A 48-year-old son of the greengrocers across the street suddenly died of heart failure.” Also it might be the aging process or the stress, but since the earthquake up to the end of last year, seven people died on this particular shopping street. This May my acquaintance’s husband died at age 74. That’s all that happened around me.” (keep reading http://fukushimavoice-eng.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/excerpts-from-fukushima-collective.html0
Three Mile Island Accident & NRC Lies
Laura Tattoo
"Three Myths of the Three Mile Island Accident (lecture in 2009)
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen gives a talk on his calculations of the amount of radiation released during the accident at Three Mile Island. Mr. Gundersen's calculations differ from those of the NRC's and official industry estimates. Arnie Gundersen was a senior executive in the nuclear industry with over twenty years experience. Mr. Gundersen holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In 1990 he came forward as a whistleblower and was fired that same year. Over the next several years, his case got a great deal of attention, and he testified before Congress during hearings on ways to protect whistleblowers. Mr. Gundersen is now a prominent nuclear safety expert witness."
Three Myths of the Three Mile Island Accident | Fairewinds Energy Educatio
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen gives a talk on his calculations of the amount
of radiation released during the accident at Three Mile Island. Mr. Gundersen's calculations differ from those of the NRC's and official industry estimates. Arnie Gundersen was a senior executive in the nuclear industry...
Avertable Earth Changes, Nuclear Power and Mutual Survival
Public event · By Laura Tattoo
"Three Myths of the Three Mile Island Accident (lecture in 2009)
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen gives a talk on his calculations of the amount of radiation released during the accident at Three Mile Island. Mr. Gundersen's calculations differ from those of the NRC's and official industry estimates. Arnie Gundersen was a senior executive in the nuclear industry with over twenty years experience. Mr. Gundersen holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In 1990 he came forward as a whistleblower and was fired that same year. Over the next several years, his case got a great deal of attention, and he testified before Congress during hearings on ways to protect whistleblowers. Mr. Gundersen is now a prominent nuclear safety expert witness."
Three Myths of the Three Mile Island Accident | Fairewinds Energy Educatio
Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen gives a talk on his calculations of the amount
of radiation released during the accident at Three Mile Island. Mr. Gundersen's calculations differ from those of the NRC's and official industry estimates. Arnie Gundersen was a senior executive in the nuclear industry...
Avertable Earth Changes, Nuclear Power and Mutual Survival
Public event · By Laura Tattoo
Three Mile Island Accident
Uranium Mining India, The Story of Jadugoda
Video: Buddha weeps in Jadugoda
Kolsefan/Justice Kolse Patil

He exhorts Muslims to come out of an illusionary world. The former judge attacks the well-entrenched Brahminism in India. He is not against any religion or its practices, he says: "When I say Brahmins I mean the mentality which has ruled this country for years. You have Brahmins among Muslims too. They don't want the underprivileged to get their fair share in the economy, he says.
He unearthed the Hindu terrorists plans in Nanded and Malegaon. He was accompanied with the rights activists Teesta Setalvad, Arvind Deshmukh and others.
About Muslim Terrorism, he says Its complete injustice to one community, because whenever you catch any Muslim youth without any proof you start calling him terrorist but in the case of Hindutva militants BJP and other saffron fundamentalists openly support them despite the proof of their involvement in the bomb blasts in Nanded, Malegaon and other places. Also, he says covering up the incidents points to the deeper conspiracy.
He says, Hindutva militants justify their terrorist activities with the help of the saffron press. They always accuse the government is anti-Hindu. Muslims killed in Gujarat, Sikhs killed in Delhi, Christian killed in Orrisa, is this anti-Hindu government? If it would be anti-Hindu government, then these acts would not have been perpetrated. In fact it is an anti-Minority government. Instead of implementing Sri Krishna Commission the government is diverting the attention of minorities by Sachar Commision. If the secular government is really serious to bring the goons of 1993 riots to the book, why the
implementation of the Sri Krishna commission is being delayed. He says, we can never believe BJP as it is controlled by RSS who have the honor of killing Gandhi.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Justice B G Kolse Patil (C), along with Teesta Seetalvad (L) and Vaishali Patil (R) addresses an anti Jaitapur Nuclear power plant press conference at Press Club in Mumbai on Monday, May 16, 2011.- Salman Ansari.DNA
Letters to the Commissioners of Police http://www.ambedkar.org/News/rss/rss55.htm
卡爾思帕蒂爾法官于 1990 年在人群工作從孟買高等法院離開法官的崇高的椅子, 致力於從食人資本家手中自由這個國家,從而實現完全獨立于邪惡的勢力。他是一個有偉大力量和遠見的人。他在亞美德納加完成他的教育,然後轉移到浦那法學院完成他的法律學士學位。卡爾思帕蒂爾法官專門在刑事法中。從 1980 年到 1985 年他是區政府請願人和浦那檢察官。從 1985到 90 他擔任高等法院法官。1990 年他辭去了高等法院擔任全職的社會原因。他不同意與人民脫節, 相反他環遊全國隆起的被壓迫民族的群眾。他是人民的人。印度人很佩服他。他真正相信他可以不休息直到最後一個不幸的人得到説明。他個人渴望自由資本主義與婆羅門教從恢復了農民、 達利特人和少數群體之間的榮譽感。他認為剝削和統治的另一個社會可以沒有任何位置在一個多元文化和多語言的國家。
他奉勸一個虛幻的世界中走出來的回教徒。前任法官的攻擊在印度根深蒂固的 Brahminism。他不是針對任何宗教或其做法,他說:"當我說婆羅門我意思的心態年統治了這個國家。你也有穆斯林的婆羅門。他們不想要的弱勢社在經濟中得到公平的份額,他說。
他出土的印度教恐怖分子計畫在楠代德和岡。他陪同與權利活動分子 Teesta 塞塔爾瓦德,阿爾溫德德希穆克和其他人。
關於穆斯林恐怖主義,他說其完整的不公正到一個社區,因為每當你趕上而無須證明任何穆斯林青年您開始叫他恐怖但 Hindutva 好戰分子在印度人民黨和其他藏紅花的原教旨主義公開支援他們儘管有其參與楠代德、 岡和其他地方發生炸彈爆炸事件的證據。此外,他說掩蓋事故點到更深的陰謀。
他說,Hindutva 好戰分子辯護的藏紅花新聞界説明其恐怖活動。他們總是指責政府是印度教。古吉拉突邦錫克教徒在德里,殺殺的穆斯林基督教在 Orrisa 中喪生,這是印度教政府嗎?如果這是印度教政府,然後這些行為會不犯。實際上它是一個反政府。而不執行斯里蘭卡 Krishna 委員會政府轉移的少數的薩查爾使命的注意力。如果世俗政府是認真的為什麼到這本書,使 1993年暴亂的流氓
斯里蘭卡 Krishna 委員會的執行受到拖延。他說,我們從來沒有可以認為印度人民黨,因為它由榮幸地殺害甘地的 RSS 控制。
司法 B G Kolse 帕蒂爾 (C),以及 Teesta Seetalvad (L) 和後帕蒂爾 (R) 位址反 Jaitapur 核電站運行新聞發佈會上記者俱樂部在上星期一 2011 年 5 月 16 日孟買。-薩勒曼 Ansari.DNA
Strong supply chain supports new build
13 September 2012
With nuclear new-build investment set to top some $1.5 trillion by 2030, the World Nuclear Association (WNA) has launched an in-depth report assessing the role and development of a robust and reliable supply chain to support the growing nuclear power sector over the next two decades.
Juan Molina presents the report at the WNA Symposium |
The World Nuclear Supply Chain: Outlook 2030 looks at the challenges and opportunities presented by plans for a total of 160 new units to enter service by 2030. It builds on work from the WNA's biennial Global Fuel Market Report, taking three scenarios for nuclear generating capacity to illustrate the range in size of the potential market for nuclear power plants.
The 154-page report was unveiled at the WNA's 37th annual symposium in London by Juan Molina, who chairs the WNA's Supply Chain Working Group as well as being chief procurement officer for Westinghouse.
Over $500 billion will be spent globally on international procurement to support nuclear new build over the next two decades, WNA estimates. Nine consolidated vendors today offer much of the technology and services that support the entire nuclear fuel sector, alongside a handful of other significant players, mostly engineering companies. Emerging industrial economies, such as China and India, are open to international procurement (albeit with governments keen to maximize locally manufactured content), and the supply chain that is evolving to support nuclear plant construction is an internationally diverse one.
A new reactor requires around 200 complex or heavy forgings, and only a few presses in the world have the capacity to accept ingots of the necessary size. But a nuclear plant also requires millions of other components: a modern light water reactor requires over 2000 km of cabling, 210 km of piping, 5000 valves and 200 pumps. Further, in addition to those components that must be of 'nuclear' grade, a nuclear plant requires a host of so-called commercial grade components and structures, ranging from the turbogenerator systems to the staff canteen. There is plenty of scope for competition, although new suppliers of nuclear-grade components must gain the necessary accreditation before they can enter the market, especially if they are manufacturing safety-critical components.
There is currently ample capacity in the supply chain, documented comprehensively in the WNA report. As Molina explained, a reliable, robust and international supply chain can work to reduce cost pressures, in part by reducing supplier bottlenecks, while a large global market will boost investment, and a diverse range of players in the market will encourage innovation.
The report makes a considered analysis of the multifaceted nuclear industry supply chain, including areas in which developments can work to strengthen not only the supply chain but the whole nuclear industry: standardization of reactor designs and consistent safety requirements, harmonization to a more coordinated system of supplier certification and monitoring of nuclear grade component manufacturers, harmonization of trade and export/import regulations, and developing the supplier base are some of the supply chain strengthening measures highlighted in the report.
The nuclear industry is already taking action, Molina noted. Two WNA working groups - the Supply Chain working group and the working group on Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL) - are actively working on areas including defining a common vendor approach to supplier certification, convergence in mechanical design codes and standards, and contributing to the development of guidance and best practice on licensing and permitting.
The report makes a considered analysis of the multifaceted nuclear industry supply chain, including areas in which developments can work to strengthen not only the supply chain but the whole nuclear industry: standardization of reactor designs and consistent safety requirements, harmonization to a more coordinated system of supplier certification and monitoring of nuclear grade component manufacturers, harmonization of trade and export/import regulations, and developing the supplier base are some of the supply chain strengthening measures highlighted in the report.
The nuclear industry is already taking action, Molina noted. Two WNA working groups - the Supply Chain working group and the working group on Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL) - are actively working on areas including defining a common vendor approach to supplier certification, convergence in mechanical design codes and standards, and contributing to the development of guidance and best practice on licensing and permitting.
"We need to find a way to make it easier for our suppliers, and ourselves, to do what needs to be done," Molina said. "We can make things easier for the industry and the world."
Researched and written
by World Nuclear News
by World Nuclear News
US bank finances UAE project
10 September 2012
The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is
to lend the Barakah One Company $2 billion to underwrite the export of
US components and services for the construction of the the United Arab
Emirates' (UAE's) first nuclear power plant.
The Barakah nuclear power plant will comprise four Korean-designed APR-1400 pressurised water reactors, but the bank says the $2 billion credit line will support some 5000 jobs in the USA. US company Westinghouse is a member of the Korea Electric Power Company (Kepco)-led consortium which was selected to build the plant, and will provide a range of components and services including reactor coolant pumps, controls, engineering services and training.
The Ex-Im Bank is a federal agency which helps to support US manufacturing jobs by filling gaps in private export financing. Before approving the loan, the bank conducted a "detailed and extensive" risk assessment of the Barakah project.
The loan is the bank's largest ever transaction in the UAE as well as its first financing of a 'greenfield' nuclear plant in over a decade. It has the support of the US National Security Council and the US departments of state and energy. Noting the importance of the transaction to the US economy, Ex-Im Bank chairman and president Fred Hochberg said the bank would also "make history" by backing the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the region.
Construction officially began at Barakah in July, and the first unit is scheduled to enter service in 2017.
Researched and written
by World Nuclear News
Original: US bank finances UAE project
The Barakah nuclear power plant will comprise four Korean-designed APR-1400 pressurised water reactors, but the bank says the $2 billion credit line will support some 5000 jobs in the USA. US company Westinghouse is a member of the Korea Electric Power Company (Kepco)-led consortium which was selected to build the plant, and will provide a range of components and services including reactor coolant pumps, controls, engineering services and training.
The Ex-Im Bank is a federal agency which helps to support US manufacturing jobs by filling gaps in private export financing. Before approving the loan, the bank conducted a "detailed and extensive" risk assessment of the Barakah project.
The loan is the bank's largest ever transaction in the UAE as well as its first financing of a 'greenfield' nuclear plant in over a decade. It has the support of the US National Security Council and the US departments of state and energy. Noting the importance of the transaction to the US economy, Ex-Im Bank chairman and president Fred Hochberg said the bank would also "make history" by backing the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the region.
Construction officially began at Barakah in July, and the first unit is scheduled to enter service in 2017.
Researched and written
by World Nuclear News
Beyond Nuclear Fact Sheet Catastrophic Risks of GE BWR Mark I
High-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Pools
High-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Pool Fire at Fukushima Daiichi
The Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe has clearly shown just how risky General Electric Boiling Water Reactors of the Mark I design are, including their high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) storage pools. Although the U.S. nuclear power establishment is still trying to deny it, evidence has mounted that Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4’s pool boiled dry to the point that highly radioactive irradiated nuclear fuel assemblies were exposed to air overheated, caught fire, and discharged catastrophic amounts of radioactive cesium-137 directly into the environment. This is because GE BWR Mark I pools – as with most pools at nuclear plants – are not locate within a primary radiological containment structure. Also, at Fukushima the reactor meltdowns and explosions damaged or destroyed the secondary containment structures (referred to as reactor buildings), at Units 1, 3 and 4, leaving those pools open to the sky. Unit 1 has since been covered with a tent. Unit 2 did suffer relatively small hole in its reactor building, as well.
As Stohl et al. have reported: “Our results indicate that 137Cs emissions peaked on 14–15 March but were
generally high from 12 until 19 March, when they suddenly dropped by orders of magnitude exactly when
spraying of water on the spent-fuel pool of unit 4 started. This indicates that emissions were not only coming
from the damaged reactor cores, but also from the spent-fuel pool of unit 4 and confirms that the spraying wa an effective countermeasure.”1 Thus, the HLRW fire in the Unit 4 storage pool caused some of the worst
radioactive Cs-137 releases during the catastrophic first week at Fukushima. It was his concern that the Unit 4 pool had boiled dry that prompted U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Gregory Jaczko, in the very first days of the catastrophe, to order an emergency warning to Americans in Japan to evacuate to at least 50 miles away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
The Reactor No. 4 pool contained 135 tons of irradiated nuclear fuel; Reactor No. 1’s pool had 50 tons, No. 2’ 81 tons, and No. 3’s 88 tons. It took months for Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and emergency responders to restore regular cooling water flow to certain of the pools. Some may still lack it. To restore water to the pools, as the thermally hot irradiated nuclear fuel boiled it away, ad hoc cooling efforts have include attempts to drop water by helicopter, as well as water spraying by fire truck, concrete pump truck, and even rio control water cannons. The Unit 4 reactor building is severely listing; its pool floor is supported by steel jacks for fear that it could fall out. A large aftershock could collapse the pool, instantly drain its cooling water, an reignite a radioactive waste fire. Unit 3’s pool appears filled with debris, so the condition of its irradiated fuel i unclear. Given the dangers on-site, including high radiation dose rates, when and how TEPCO and/or th Japanese federal government will be able to remove the HLRW to a safer location is yet to be determined Also, it is unclear when, or even if, a close examination of the four pools will occur, to determine what exactly happened where, why, and how bad the radioactivity releases have been.
What are the risks?
While all nuclear power plant HLRW storage pools are risky, GE BWR Mark I pools are especially vulnerable to accidents or attacks. A boil down or drain down of the cooling water could spark a fire in the irradiated fuel, as seen at Fukushima. GE BWR Mark I pools are elevated four to six stories high, above the reactor as well as outside the primary containment structure. The reactor building is not robust, as shown by the explosions at Fukushima. The design made it easier for the plants to remove irradiated fuel from the reactor core directly into the pool, but puts the pools at increased risk of heavy load drops, attacks by airplanes, etc. Emergency response is complicated by the pools’ high elevation above ground. NRC has not required pools to have emergency backup power connected to cooling systems, nor emergency make up water. Thus, they...(Keep reading http://www.beyondnuclear.org/storage/catastrophic%20risks%20of%20GE%20BWR%20Mark%20I%20HLRW%20storage%20pools.pdf )
超越核實況報導 奇異馬克一型沸水堆的災難性風險
馬克一型包括其高級別的放射性廢物 (廢料) 存儲池。雖然美國核電建設仍試圖否認它、 證據已裝入該 〃 4 號的池煮幹到高放射性輻照的核燃料元件被暴露在空氣中,點過熱、 著火了,和出院災難性數量的放射性銫-137 直接進入環境, 這是因為 奇異馬克一型沸水堆池 — — 因為在核工廠 — — 大多數池不是位於在主放射安全殼結構。此外,福島反應器的崩潰和爆炸損壞或毀壞的二級結構 (稱為反應堆廠房)、 單位 1,3,並向天空打開 4,離開這些池。
單元 1 一直以來被一頂帳篷。確實受到單位 2其反應堆廠房,以及孔相對較小。
作為施托爾 et 報告說:"我們的研究結果表明 137 排放 3 月在 14–15 上達到頂峰,但被
從 3 月 19 日,當他們突然下跌數量級到底何時才 12 一般較高4 號機組開始乏燃料池上水的噴塗。這表明排放不了才來從破損反應堆芯,而且還從 4 號機組的乏燃料池,並確認噴塗是有效對策。
"1 這樣,單位 4 存儲池的廢料大火造成一些最差放射性銫-137 釋放期間災難性的第一個星期在福島。這是他的關切,單位 4池已經煮幹,在促使美國核監管委員會 (NRC) 主席葛列格里姚茨科這場災難,命令在日本的美國人在疏散到緊急警告的最初幾天從福島第一核電站的至少 50 英里。
反應堆號 4 池所載 135 噸的輻照核燃料 ;1 的反應堆號儲存了 50 噸, 2 號的 81 噸和 3 號 88 噸。東京電力電源公司 (東京電力公司)花了幾個月的 和緊急急救員要恢復定期冷卻水流向某些池。一些仍可能缺少它。若要還原水到池,如熱熱的輻照的核燃料煮沸它,特設冷卻努力包括試圖用直升機,放水,以及水噴霧消防卡車、 混凝土泵車、 甚至暴動控制水炮。單元 4 反應堆廠房嚴重上市 ;由鋼的插孔,支援其池底因擔心它可能會掉出來。強烈餘震可以折疊池,立即耗盡其冷卻水,及重燃放射性廢物火。
單元 3 池出現充滿了碎片,所以其輻照燃料的條件還不清楚。鑒於危險現場,包括高輻射劑量率、 東京電力公司和/或日本的聯邦政府何時和如何將能夠刪除到一個安全的位置廢料尚待確定。
雖然所有核電站廢料存儲池都都有風險,奇異馬克一型沸水堆都是特別易受傷害意外或攻擊。A 歸結或下來的冷卻水流失可能引發輻照燃料火災,福島發生了。奇異馬克一型沸水堆池是四至六層樓高高架的高架,上面的反應堆以及作為主安全殼結構之外。反應堆廠房不是強健,如圖所示的福島爆炸。設計使廠房從反應堆堆芯直接進入刪除輻照的燃料更容易儲存,但放在重負荷下降,燃料池風險增加飛機等的攻擊。緊急情況回應由池的高海拔地面變得複雜。NRC 已不需要的池來了緊急備用電源連接到冷卻系統,也沒有緊急補水量。因此,他們仍然易受斷電,像福島由於地震和海嘯發生的情況。
在美國,主電網已失敗龍捲風、 颶風、 水災、 火災、 冰風暴、 人為錯誤,wildlife2,
等,並已與美國緊急備用的柴油發電機故障的令人不安的圖案核 plants.3
幾十年來NRC 早知道池的風險,在 2001 年年初報告廢料火災可能導致約 25,000 潛在的癌症死亡人數在 2003 年 9/11 之後在 500 英里下風處.4 攻擊,阿爾瓦雷斯 et 發表一份報告,說明如何在美國輻照的核燃料池火能呈現區域無法居住,將比創建的車諾比爾意外事故高達 60 倍.5
美國國家科學院在 2005.6 給予確認 et · 阿爾瓦雷斯的調查結果奇異馬克一型沸水堆是,核安全聯盟,組成的數十個環境加劇的風險組,敦促的決策者優先進入硬化現場存儲清空從這些池廢料(胡),它防止意外,並鞏固它的攻擊 ;近 200 個組織現在贊同另一份重要報,阿爾瓦雷斯 HOSS.7 重複他對風險的沸水堆池存儲中的警告美國在福島核.8 超越之後提交 NRC 與應急執法呈請書月後,福島災難開始,要求在奇異馬克一型沸水堆上安裝緊急備用電源。
雖然加國研會在 2011 年 12 月已審查這一問題,其福島專責小組同意一年後福島、 國研尚未需要提昇安全.9
在美國的 24 個 奇異馬克一型沸水堆廢料存儲池在哪裡?
在美國"雙胞胎"設計對福島第一核電站單位 1 到 4 之間的有 23 運行的反應堆。他們
布朗一渡輪 1、 2 和 3 (AL) ;
布勞恩斯魏克 1 & 2 (NC) ;
庫珀 1 (NE) ;
德累斯頓 2 和 3 (IL) ;
杜安 · 阿諾德 1
(IA) ;費米 2 (MI) ;
菲茨派翠克 1 (紐約) ;
孵化 1 & 2 (GA) ;
希望克裡克 1 (NJ) ;
蒙蒂塞洛 1 (錳) ;
九英里點1 (紐約) ;
克裡克蠔油 1 (NJ) ;
桃底部 2 和 3 (PA) ;
朝聖者 1 (MA) ;
四城市 1 & 2 (IL) ;
佛蒙特州揚基隊 1 (VT)。
此外,自 1995 年以來在 CT、 磨石單位 1 雖然反應堆已被永久關閉,它的主人,統領核的里士滿弗吉尼亞州"的結論他們將會保持磨石單位1 直到 2048年燃料中花了燃料池,在一個 SAFSTOR 的地位,而不是將燃料移至 ISFSI[獨立花燃料存儲安裝]。
阿爾瓦雷斯的 2011年報告中所述"10美國池包含比福島第一核電站更龐大更多廢料,美國的奇異馬克一型沸水堆標記當中最打包帶, 在美國的任何核電廠池作為廢料約 75%的商業 65,000 噸輻照的核燃料在美國,存儲池,,而 25%已轉移到幹罐子。核實用程式傾向于儘量使其,以推遲乾燥的儲存桶到成本的池未來。這大大增加了池的風險。恐慌性,在美國大多數奇異馬克一型沸水堆儲蓄很多, 比福島第一核電站所有四個反應堆單位放加起起來 (354 噸).11 更多廢料,
例如蠔克裡克 (NJ),最古老仍然經營原子反應堆 (1969年到 2012 年),美國已生成約 750 度量噸的廢料含 1 億 2500 萬居理的放射性物質 ;即使其輻照過燃料了一些轉移乾燥的儲存桶中,絕大多數仍留在池中。
佛蒙特州揚基已產生約 650 公噸的廢料,包含 1 億居理的放射性物質 ;它遭受附近小姐重
近年來載入下降。費米 2 (MI) 產生了將近 600 噸的廢料,含 9000 萬居裡 ;因為核廠的結構不足夠強烈焊接所有其輻照燃料都存儲在其池中,支援的起重機和完全載入的木桶重量的轉移操作 ;底特律愛迪生擁有承認這站停電,4 小時 12 分鐘內將導致池沸騰。
同樣地,朝聖者 (MA)存儲所有的廢料,含有超過 7000 萬居理 ,在其池其超過 550 噸。
2012 年 1 月此聲明的註腳的版本張貼于:
放射性 w.html
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電子郵件: info@beyondnuclear.org 網站: www.beyondnuclear.org
1 Stohl et al., “Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear
power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition,” Atmos. Chem. Phys.
Discuss., 11, 28319-28394, 2011, http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/28319/2011/acpd-11-28319-
2 In the 1980s, a raccoon was electrocuted at the Fermi 2 nuclear power plant in Monroe, Michigan, and power
was lost to the plant from the electric grid. Fermi 2, by the way, is the largest GE BWR Mark I in the world, at
1,122 megawatts-electric.
3 http://markey.house.gov/press-release/august-24-2011-nrc-va-earthquake-highlights-need-update-usnuclear-
4 “Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants,” (NUREG-
1738), Feb. 2001, http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr1738/.
5 Robert Alvarez, Jan Beyea, Klaus Janberg, Jungmin Kang, Ed Lyman, Allison Macfarlane, Gordon
Thompson, and Frank N. von Hippel published “Reducing the hazards from stored spent power-reactor fuel in
the United States” in Science & Global Security, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2003.
6 The National Academy of Sciences Report on “Safety and Security of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel,” April
6, 2005.
7 See the Statement of Principles for Safeguarding Nuclear Waste at Reactors, including the list of signatories,
at http://www.ieer.org/reports/DOE_WasteContracts2010/HOSS_PRINCIPLES_3-23-10x.pdf.
8 Robert Alvarez, Introduction, “Spent Nuclear Fuel Pools in the U.S.: Reducing the Deadly Risks of Storage,”
Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., May, 2011, http://www.ipsdc.
9 http://www.beyondnuclear.org/nuclear-reactors-whatsnew/2012/1/3/nrc-accepts-beyond-nuclear-petitionedactions-
10 http://www.nrc.gov/info-finder/decommissioning/power-reactor/millstone-unit-1.html
11 U.S. Department of Energy, Final Environmental Impact Statement for Yucca Mountain, Table A-7, Feb.
1 Stohl et al., “Xenon-133 and caesium-137 releases into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear
power plant: determination of the source term, atmospheric dispersion, and deposition,” Atmos. Chem. Phys.
Discuss., 11, 28319-28394, 2011, http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/11/28319/2011/acpd-11-28319-
2 In the 1980s, a raccoon was electrocuted at the Fermi 2 nuclear power plant in Monroe, Michigan, and power
was lost to the plant from the electric grid. Fermi 2, by the way, is the largest GE BWR Mark I in the world, at
1,122 megawatts-electric.
3 http://markey.house.gov/press-release/august-24-2011-nrc-va-earthquake-highlights-need-update-usnuclear-
4 “Technical Study of Spent Fuel Pool Accident Risk at Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants,” (NUREG-
1738), Feb. 2001, http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs/staff/sr1738/.
5 Robert Alvarez, Jan Beyea, Klaus Janberg, Jungmin Kang, Ed Lyman, Allison Macfarlane, Gordon
Thompson, and Frank N. von Hippel published “Reducing the hazards from stored spent power-reactor fuel in
the United States” in Science & Global Security, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2003.
6 The National Academy of Sciences Report on “Safety and Security of Commercial Spent Nuclear Fuel,” April
6, 2005.
7 See the Statement of Principles for Safeguarding Nuclear Waste at Reactors, including the list of signatories,
at http://www.ieer.org/reports/DOE_WasteContracts2010/HOSS_PRINCIPLES_3-23-10x.pdf.
8 Robert Alvarez, Introduction, “Spent Nuclear Fuel Pools in the U.S.: Reducing the Deadly Risks of Storage,”
Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., May, 2011, http://www.ipsdc.
9 http://www.beyondnuclear.org/nuclear-reactors-whatsnew/2012/1/3/nrc-accepts-beyond-nuclear-petitionedactions-
10 http://www.nrc.gov/info-finder/decommissioning/power-reactor/millstone-unit-1.html
11 U.S. Department of Energy, Final Environmental Impact Statement for Yucca Mountain, Table A-7, Feb.
Stop Kudankulam Nuclear Plant! Help Save The Indian Ocean!
Signatures: 51 (Goal: 500)
We, ardent lovers of humanity and marine life, request the Chief Justice of India to persuade the Govt. of India to keep the Indian Ocean free of nuclear discharges, and convert the Koodankulam Nuclear Plant into an alternative source of energy. Let us present a safer world for our generations to follow.The Indian and Russian authorities have been adamantly going ahead with the project without respect for the apprehensions of the local villagers.
Nuclear waste from Koodankulam is to be discharged into the Indian Ocean and the local villagers have been engaged in peaceful protests like hunger-strike. The Indian Government has to be persuaded to convert this facility into an alternative source of energy.
Everyone agrees that nuclear waste will remain radioactive forever in the Ocean. ( keep reading & sign the petition Indian Voice )
Iran's first nuclear power reactor Bushehr reaches full capacity
Bushehr reaches full capacity
03 September 2012
Power output from Iran's first nuclear power reactor at Bushehr has reached 100%, the Russian supplier AtomStroyExport (ASE) announced. The unit was connected to the grid almost a year ago.
Unit 1 of the Bushehr plant (Image: ASE) |
The reactor reached full power at 6.47pm on 30 August, ASE said. This is the final stage in commissioning the unit, during which its equipment and systems will be test at full capacity.
German constructor Siemens KWU began work on two pressurized water reactors at the Bushehr site on the Persian Gulf in 1975, but work was abandoned in 1979. At the time, one unit was substantially complete and the second unit was around 50% complete, but the site was damaged by air strikes during the war between Iran and Iraq in 1984-1988.
However, in 1994, Minatom of Russia agreed with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to complete Bushehr unit 1 as a VVER-1000 unit, using mostly the infrastructure already in place. This plan also necessitated major changes, including fabrication of all the main reactor components in Russia under a construction contract with AtomStroyExport.
The world doesn't need any more nuclear power plants...
Tens of thousands of dead fish stink up Lake Erie shore
September 5th, 2012
Tens of thousands of dead fish are stinking up a 25-mile stretch of Lake Erie shoreline. |
Tens of thousands of dead fish have washed up on
a 25-mile stretch of Lake Erie's northern shore, and Ontario
environmental officials say they could be victims of a natural
phenomenon called a lake inversion.
The inversion brings cold water, which has lower oxygen levels, to the lake's surface and fish suffocate."Essentially it's a rolling over of the lake," Ontario Ministry of the Environment spokeswoman Kate Jordan told The Chatham Daily News. "Something – whether it be a storm, or cooler temperatures at night, or strong winds – triggers a temperature change in the lake."
Jordan said it was windy and choppy on the lake Friday night, according to a report in The Windsor Star. The fish kill was reported Saturday. (Keep reading http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/09/05/tens-of-thousands-of-dead-fish-stink-up-lake-erie-shore/?hpt=hp_t3)
$1.28B for Port Hope radioactive cleanup, NUCLEAR GENOCIDE IN CANADA
The Canadian Press
Posted: Jan 14, 2012 11:31 AM ET
Ottawa says it will spend $1.28 billion over 10 years to clean up low-level radioactive waste in the Port Hope area east of Toronto.The waste came from radium and uranium refining operations of the former Crown corporation Eldorado Nuclear and its private sector predecessors from 1933 to 1988.
The federal government says about 1.7 million cubic metres of the waste is located at sites in Port Hope and Clarington, about 100 kilometres east of Toronto.
The initiative will be carried out as two projects — one for Port Hope and the other for the Clarington site known as Port Granby. (Keep reading...http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2012/01/14/toronto-port-hope.html )
Port Hope's nuclear past pits economic interests against health
In mid-November, when the weather was still gorgeous and tourists were still meandering through its picturesque downtown streets, Helen Caldicott sentenced Port Hope to death.
“It's a disaster,” the renowned doctor and anti-nuclear activist told a gathering of Port Hopers and a crush of reporters crammed into a hotel in Oshawa.
The mess can't be cleaned up, Caldicott said flatly of the low-level radioactive waste sprinkled around Port Hope.
“The entire town should be relocated and the Cameco refinery should be shut down.”
As she finished speaking, some 200 people who had listened attentively for an hour applauded loudly.
Back in Port Hope, residents sighed with frustration, gearing up for yet another fight to save the reputation of their town.
“Caldicott didn't even come here ... she said all those things from Oshawa and left,” says Liz Stewart, 61, a longtime resident. “We are tired of people doing this to Port Hope without knowing the facts. The town is safe and can absolutely be cleaned up.”
And just like that, Port Hope was back in the spotlight.
The town's nuclear past is its legacy and its curse. Eldorado Nuclear Ltd., which refined radium used for treating cancer, and uranium that helped the Manhattan Project develop the first atomic bombs, provided employment to hundreds in the town. But it also left Port Hope riddled with low-level radioactivity — and rancour.
The two have permeated every aspect of life in this town, pitting economic and social interests against health concerns. Friends have become foes. Tourism has taken a beating. Real estate deals have fallen through. Threats have become commonplace.
Uncertainty has become the great dividing line between those on opposing sides of Port Hope's ongoing debate. There is, simply, no middle ground.
The largest cleanup of radioactive waste in Canadian history will begin here later this year, as trucks and mechanical diggers move in to remove contaminated soil from numerous sites around town.
The project may eradicate the dark stain on the town, but it won't tackle the most important questions, some residents say.
“There is low-level radioactive waste everywhere in town . . . but the government has continuously refused to do an extensive health study,” says Andy Johncox, who worked at Eldorado for 14 years, until 1982.
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission says there is no danger to health in Port Hope; that more than 40 studies indicate residents have low levels of exposure to all types of contaminants.
There is, in fact, no undisputed evidence that radioactive materials released into the environment have harmed a single person in Port Hope.
But if the town is so safe, Johncox wonders: Why are millions of dollars being spent to clean it?
“I am all for the cleanup, but there are too many lingering questions,” says Johncox. “I'd really like to know the truth about Port Hope.” (Keep reading....http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/968112--port-hope-s-nuclear-past-pits-economic-interests-against-health
‘Inside sources’ being investigated
Last week, someone named ‘Michael Strong’ sent an e-mail stating: Families in the vicinity of St. Mary's School (10 Pine St. South) in Port Hope should be worried. Their children have been playing on a load of buried toxic radioactive waste in the playground for years. It’s publicly known that the school building was cleaned up, but “inside sources at the Port Hope Area Initiative” say there are almost 20,000 cubic meters of waste in the school yard also that isn't being talked about.
A call to Judy Herod, acting manager of stakeholder relations and communications, said that it’s well-known that high levels of radon gas were detected back in 1976/77 but that it was “cleaned up.” (Keep reading......http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/2012/09/03/inside-sources-being-investigated)
Part 1In the Beginning - Port Radium Mine
The Port Radium mine opened in 1932 in the North West Territories. Radium is a radioactive material that is part of the decay chain of uranium. In the 1930s, radium was trumpeted as the new wonder drug to cure cancer and as a 'glow-in-the-dark' paint. It was the most expensive material on Earth at the time, commanding prices up to $125,000 per gram.
Canada's Department of Mines warned the Canadian Government in its 1932 'Blood Studies on Port Radium Miners' about the dangers of radiation and radon gas in particular. The report stated "that a hazard may exist in the breathing of air containing even small amounts of radon." No warning was given to the white miners or to the First Nations people from Deline who were hired as porters. The mine shut down and the radium industry collapsed in 1940 when its lethal health effects became known to the public.
One of the main uses for radium at the time was as a paint for the numbers on clock faces so they could be seen in the dark. The painting was done by hand, almost exclusively by women. To get a fine point on the brushes, the women would twirl the brush in their lips, thereby ingesting some of the radium. The health of the women deteriorated quickly; their jaws literally disintegrating.
The Canadian Government expropriated the mine in 1942 and created a company called 'Eldorado Nuclear Ltd' to supply uranium to the American nuclear weapons program. A Federal research team from Montreal sent to monitor the mine in 1945 reported "the radon content seems to be so high as to be definitely dangerous to the health of those working in the mine." Once again, no warning was given to the miners or to the First Nations people who transported the uranium ore.
Refer to: Somba Ke, a one-hour documentary on Port Radium and Deline by MacDonald Stainsby
Village of Widows
The First Nations people of Deline, North West Territories were hired to carry burlap sacks of uranium ore from the mine to the barges on Great Bear Lake. The bags of radioactive ore had to be handled several times on their journey. The workers slept on the bags of uranium all the way to Fort McMurray where they were transferred for shipment to the Port Hope Refinery.
In 1960, cancer claimed its first victim in Deline. They didn't know what it was because there had never been cancer there before. Over the next few years, most of an entire generation of men in the community died as a result of their exposure to the radioactive material. So many men died that Deline has become known as 'The Village of Widows.'
Cindy Kenny-Gilday from Deline wrote:
"Deline is practically a village of widows, most of the men who worked as labourers have died of some form of cancer. The widows, who are traditional women were left to raise their families with no breadwinners, supporters. They were left to depend on welfare and other young men for their traditional food source. This village of young men are the first generation of men in the history of Dene on this lake to grow up without guidance from their grandfathers, fathers and uncles. This cultural, economic, spiritual, emotional deprivation impact on the community is a threat to the survival of the one and only tribe on Great Bear Lake. It's the most vicious example of cultural genocide I have ever seen and its in my own home."
The people of Deline did not know what was causing it. They contacted the Canadian Government for help. The Canadian Government did nothing despite illness rates twice as high as any other First Nations community in Canada. The Canadian Government waited until 1998 to inform Deline that it was their exposure to radiation that was killing them. They did not make this admission until after the people of Deline had identified the cause through their own research. Andy Orkin, an Ontario lawyer who worked on behalf of the Deline First Nations people said it best:
"We left them to die and hoped they would never ask any questions."
The Canadian government was repeatedly warned about the dangers from exposure to radiation from 1931 until 1976 by their own ministries and the American Government. Yet there is not a recorded instance in the 50 year period covered by this paper where the workers were warned of the danger. This is completely unacceptable behaviour from the Canadian government.
The other point to note is that First Nations people paid a much steeper price as a result of their exposure to the nuclear industry than the whites did. Deline, Serpent River and Blind River First Nations have paid a very high price to keep the lights on in Ontario.
End of Part 1 (Keep reading ......http://www.porthopehistory.com/nucleargenocide/nucleargenocide1.htm )
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Another mass death of goby was found in Shizuoka, close to Mt. Fuji.
Posted by Mochizuki
August 31st, 2012 ·
150 goby was found dead in Shizuoka city.
Around 11:00 of 8/30/2012, citizens living nearby reported about 150 goby were dead in Ohhashi river .
It is in Shimizu ward, Shizuoka city. The goby was from a few cm to 15 cm, found dead for 100m along the river.
They didn’t detect anything from the brief water quality check. They are going to send the dead bodies to a laboratory to detect if harmful material is in it.
Original Fukushima Diary
Independent WHO
Why is the "Internal Emitter"(体内放射) concealed ?
The key is agreement between WHO and IAEA which prohibits disclose the facts without each other's consent.
This results in "UN powered horocaust" due to DNA's genomic mutation caused by radioactives.
Since this lasted so long time (since 1956, more than 50 years) some central people of WHO raised "Independent WHO" to reveal facts in public.
Dr. Michel Fernex (MD) one of the founder of Independent WHO http://independentwho.org/en/explains why truth are concealed.
Key movie is " Whre's the truth? " (2004) which deals with WHO-IAEA conceal matter of 2001.(After 15 years of Chernobyl and the disaster of health was obvious at that time. This movie was introduced here again and again, here once more in comment.)
Shared from Chernobyl Children Fukushima Children;
1,324 Fukushima People Filed A Criminal Complaint Against TEPCO and the Government (Jun/11/2012)
Published on 13 Jun 2012 by tokyobrowntabby2
In the written complaint filed with the Fukushima District Public Prosecutors Office, the complainants said the 33 neglected to take disaster countermeasures, despite the frequency of earthquakes in Japan and indications by experts of the possibility of tsunami. They also argued that the officials failed to release evacuation information appropriately, which led to residents' exposure to radiation.
The 33 include TEPCO Chairman Katsumata, former TEPCO President Masataka Shimizu, 13 other TEPCO officials, Nuclear Safety Commission Chief Haruki Madarame, and 3 Radiation Health Risk Management Advisors of the prefecture including Shunichi Yamashita, Vice President of Fukushima Medical University.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xfSbZvBOwKM?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
"By holding them accountable, we will carry out our responsibility to the next generation," says Ms. Ruiko Muto, leader of the complainant organization. "I hope our action will lead to reuniting our bonds disrupted by the disaster."
They plan to file the second complaint where people outside Fukushima Prefecture can join the complainant. The dedline for joining is the end of September 2012.
Youtube Source: http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20120611p2g00m0dm081000c.html
You can listen to an anti-nuke speech in September 2011 by Ms. Muto, leader of the complainant organization: http://youtu.be/559qQJz2bmk
The original video(http://youtu.be/Ykt5dmnL7Cs) was created by OurPlanet-TV(http://www.ourplanet-tv.org/?q=node/287). OurPlanet-TV is an independent net-based media and welcoms donations.
Visiting the end of the world, Fukushima
24 August 2012
Visiting the end of the world,
The rice paddy on the edge of Iitate village is 30km back from the coast, framed by steep forested hills, and we stop here briefly because the scene is so strangely heraldic.
At first glance, this looks like any other rural Japanese town in late summer, but it isn't any more. The precise geometries of the fields are softened with neglect and waist-high weeds. Two empty police cars sit out front of the vacant community hall. A work team of several dozen men in white masks and overalls tends a slow assemblage of earthmoving equipment out in the field - but this isn't agriculture.
Iitate village is dead, evacuated after the wind swung to the north-west in the days following the tsunami that smashed hundreds of kilometres of Tohoku coastline into oblivion.
The workers today are harvesting caesium-137, which has a half-life of 30 years. They're carefully stripping the top 50cm of soil from the abandoned field, dumping it in neat windrows wrapped in blue plastic.
Our counters silently log a gamma dose of about 3.7 μSv per hour, 13 times the normal background level. Radiocaesium is found only in the wake of bomb fallout or downwind of failed nuclear reactors. Broken uranium atoms from Kakadu and central South Australia, fissioned under a hail of exquisitely tuned neutron bombardment into uneven fragments of iodine, strontium, xenon. It is everywhere now, invisible, sucked into the pores of the soil itself.
At a lonely intersection gone weedy and planted with warning signs, we record 9.2 μSv/hr in the undergrowth. In the days after the disaster, with three reactor cores exposed to the air, levels within the plant spiked 100,000 times higher. Workers in close proximity suffered lifetime radiation doses in a few hours.
In Minamisoma, a coastal city 20 km to the north of the wrecked Fukushima complex, they're getting their park back this morning. For seventeen months kids have been unable to play outside, and the locals are balancing the risks of radiation with the risks of physical inactivity, vitamin D deficiency and depression.
80 million eggs of pond smelt became extinct in Gunma
Posted by Mochizuki
Takasaki fishery cooperative postponed lifting the restriction of boat fishing of pond smelt because they couldn’t even fish one sample to measure the radiation level.
On 9/1, in Haruna lake, Takasaki city Gunma, they usually lift the regulation of boat fishing of pont smelt.
To lift the regulation this year, they needed to measure the radiation level by fishing more than 500 grams of pond smelt, but they couldn’t even fish one sample even on their test fishing by fishery cooperative staff on 8/29/2012. It happened last year too.
Haruna lake is about 220 km from Fukushima plant.
They released 80,000,000 eggs in April as usual, they confirmed a lot of fry, but they couldn’t find mature ones after that.
In another lake called “Akagi Ohnuma” in Gunma, they found mature pond smelt but because they measured 210 Bq/Kg, they banned fishers from consuming them. Fishers are allowed to fish but have to return the fish. (Original http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/09/80-million-eggs-of-pond-smelt-became-extinct-in-gunma/#.UETh5Cnv788.facebook
Black substance found at Harajuku station in Tokyo, “21,346 Bq/Kg”
Black substance found at Harajuku station in Tokyo, “21,346 Bq/Kg”
Posted by Mochizuki
August 31st, 2012
August 31st, 2012
The extremely highly radioactive material “black substance” was found in another most populated area in Tokyo.
(cf. 240,000 Bq/Kg at 5km from Imperial Palace)In the news TV show “Insideout” of BS11, Mr. Shiba, a battlefield journalist introduced the contamination map.
The map is about the location of black substance found in Tokyo, and it also mentions Bq/Kg, made by Mr. Oyama, a minamisoma city council.
The map shows that the black substance of 21,346 Bq/kg was found at Harajuku station.
Harajuku station is known to be the center of fashion / culture. A lot of young people continuously visit there.
The secrets revealed, William Pawelec Interview
Uploaded by csetiweb
on 14 Dec 2010
Mr. William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force
computer operations and programming specialist with numerous
credentials in security technologies and access control systems. He
gave this interview with Dr. Greer prior to the 2001 National Press Club
Disclosure event and asked that it not be released until after his
death. We recently found out that Mr. William Pawelec passed away on
May 22, 2007 and we received permission to release it in December 2010.
Chemtrail, HAARP,Hurricane Isaac storm surge reversed flow of Mississippi River
By The Christian Science Monitor
Sunday, September 2, 2012 8:22 EDT
Sunday, September 2, 2012 8:22 EDT
Nuclear Power is not safe. Chernobyl: the great cover-up
Nuclear Power is not safe
The Chernobyl Disaster showed the world the ugly face of nuclear power - the one the nuclear industry is trying to hide and the one opponents have been warning about for many years before the meltdown. Chernobyl should have been the turning point of the world's nuclear policy, yet it appears it was only the first major nuclear accident. Since then, several others have occurred in Great Britain, Germany, the US and Japan. None were of the magnitude of Chernobyl, yet according to scientists, the next accident is only a question of time.
車諾比災難向世界說明核電的醜陋的面孔, 核電行業試圖隱藏和崩潰多年以前一個對手一直在警告的。車諾比應該已成為世界核政策的轉捩點,但似乎只是第一次重大核事故。自那時以來,其他幾事故都發生在英國、 德國、 美國和日本。沒有量的車諾比,然而科學家們下, 一次的事故是只是時間的問題災難表明世界核電的醜陋的面孔之一核電行業正試圖隱藏和一個對手一直在警告的崩潰之前很多年。切爾諾貝利應該已經世界核政策的轉捩點,但似乎是只有第一次重大核事故。自那時以來,其他幾人都發生在英國、 德國、 美國和日本。沒有車諾比的量,然而科學家們, 下一次的事故只是時間的問題
The health effects of Chernobyl continue to kill and maim
The health effects of Chernobyl were not only limited to the immediate radiation of the local population, which was forcibly evacuated from the region within a matter of days or the population of up to 1.000.000 so called liquidators, young men ordered to clean up the nuclear rubble and risk their lives for the creation of a sarcophagus. The environmental destruction, the damage to the ecosystem, the effects of low-level radiation and the social and psychological impact of Chernobyl are not to be underestimated. Even today, low level radiation, ingested by the general population in form of food and milk, is causing malformation, mutations and cancer deaths, as well as countless non-cancer diseases in the affected populations. Due to genomic instabilities caused by radiation, the full effects of the accident will only develop within the next six generations, showing that Chernobyl is more than just a temporary accident. It continues to kill - every year.
車諾比對健康的影響並不只限于即時輻射對本地的人口,也就是被強行從該地區撤離數天或 達1.000.000 人口的所謂的清盤人,青年男子被下令清理核廢墟和石棺造成生命的危害。破壞環境,破壞生態系統、 低輻射的影響和車諾比的社會和心理影響都不能低估。即使在今天,攝取食物和牛奶的形式,人口的整體的低標準輻射導致畸形、 基因突變與癌症死亡人數,以及無數的非癌症疾病受到影響的人口。由於輻射引起的基因組不穩定性,事故的全面影響將僅發展內的下六代,顯示車諾比不僅僅是暫時的事故。它繼續每年造成死亡。 (keep reading....
車諾比核電廠災變 http://www.taiwanwatch.org.tw/issue/nuclear/SAVE/save026.htm
In June
2007 Gregory Hartl, World Health Organisation (WHO) spokesman for
Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments, claimed that the
proceedings of the international conference held in Geneva in 1995 on
the health consequences of the Chernobyl disaster had been duly
published (1).
This was not so. And the proceedings of the Kiev conference in 2001
have never been published either. Challenged by journalists a few months
later, the WHO repeated the claim, providing references to a collection
of abstracts for the Kiev conference and just 12 articles (out of
hundreds) submitted to the Geneva conference.
Since 26 April 2007 (the 21st anniversary of Chernobyl), a large placard has informed WHO employees each day that one million children in the area around Chernobyl are irradiated and ill. IndependentWHO, the group organising the action, accuses the WHO of a cover-up of the health consequences of the catastrophe, and of failing to assist populations in danger.
The WHO, they insist, must end the agreement made in 1959 which binds it to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2) and prevents it from initiating a programme or activity in the area of nuclear power without consulting the IAEA “with a view to adjusting the matter by mutual agreement” (Article 1, Point 2).
Independence from the IAEA would permit the WHO to conduct a serious, scientific evaluation of the disaster and provide appropriate health care to contaminated people. A resolution to this effect is in preparation for the World Health Assembly in May 2008 (3) and an Appeal by Health Professionals has been launched (4).(Keep reading .....http://mondediplo.com/2008/04/14who)
I made this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fmvn-BnsPkE Sadly not enough views. People are sleeping. Big media is sleeping pill.
Belarus has all the information Japan needs.
My trips to Belarus in 2011 and to the W.H.O. / U.N. in Geneva. Belarus has all the information Japan needs - and still the belarusian government and the WHO...
The Chernobyl Disaster showed the world the ugly face of nuclear power - the one the nuclear industry is trying to hide and the one opponents have been warning about for many years before the meltdown. Chernobyl should have been the turning point of the world's nuclear policy, yet it appears it was only the first major nuclear accident. Since then, several others have occurred in Great Britain, Germany, the US and Japan. None were of the magnitude of Chernobyl, yet according to scientists, the next accident is only a question of time.
車諾比災難向世界說明核電的醜陋的面孔, 核電行業試圖隱藏和崩潰多年以前一個對手一直在警告的。車諾比應該已成為世界核政策的轉捩點,但似乎只是第一次重大核事故。自那時以來,其他幾事故都發生在英國、 德國、 美國和日本。沒有量的車諾比,然而科學家們下, 一次的事故是只是時間的問題災難表明世界核電的醜陋的面孔之一核電行業正試圖隱藏和一個對手一直在警告的崩潰之前很多年。切爾諾貝利應該已經世界核政策的轉捩點,但似乎是只有第一次重大核事故。自那時以來,其他幾人都發生在英國、 德國、 美國和日本。沒有車諾比的量,然而科學家們, 下一次的事故只是時間的問題
The health effects of Chernobyl continue to kill and maim
The health effects of Chernobyl were not only limited to the immediate radiation of the local population, which was forcibly evacuated from the region within a matter of days or the population of up to 1.000.000 so called liquidators, young men ordered to clean up the nuclear rubble and risk their lives for the creation of a sarcophagus. The environmental destruction, the damage to the ecosystem, the effects of low-level radiation and the social and psychological impact of Chernobyl are not to be underestimated. Even today, low level radiation, ingested by the general population in form of food and milk, is causing malformation, mutations and cancer deaths, as well as countless non-cancer diseases in the affected populations. Due to genomic instabilities caused by radiation, the full effects of the accident will only develop within the next six generations, showing that Chernobyl is more than just a temporary accident. It continues to kill - every year.
車諾比對健康的影響並不只限于即時輻射對本地的人口,也就是被強行從該地區撤離數天或 達1.000.000 人口的所謂的清盤人,青年男子被下令清理核廢墟和石棺造成生命的危害。破壞環境,破壞生態系統、 低輻射的影響和車諾比的社會和心理影響都不能低估。即使在今天,攝取食物和牛奶的形式,人口的整體的低標準輻射導致畸形、 基因突變與癌症死亡人數,以及無數的非癌症疾病受到影響的人口。由於輻射引起的基因組不穩定性,事故的全面影響將僅發展內的下六代,顯示車諾比不僅僅是暫時的事故。它繼續每年造成死亡。 (keep reading....
車諾比核電廠災變 http://www.taiwanwatch.org.tw/issue/nuclear/SAVE/save026.htm
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The World Health Organisation and nuclear power
For 50 years dangerous
concentrations of radionuclides have been accumulating in earth, air and
water from weapons testing and reactor incidents. Yet serious studies
of the effects of radiation on health have been obscured – not least by
the World Health Organisation.
by Alison Katz
Since 26 April 2007 (the 21st anniversary of Chernobyl), a large placard has informed WHO employees each day that one million children in the area around Chernobyl are irradiated and ill. IndependentWHO, the group organising the action, accuses the WHO of a cover-up of the health consequences of the catastrophe, and of failing to assist populations in danger.
The WHO, they insist, must end the agreement made in 1959 which binds it to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (2) and prevents it from initiating a programme or activity in the area of nuclear power without consulting the IAEA “with a view to adjusting the matter by mutual agreement” (Article 1, Point 2).
Independence from the IAEA would permit the WHO to conduct a serious, scientific evaluation of the disaster and provide appropriate health care to contaminated people. A resolution to this effect is in preparation for the World Health Assembly in May 2008 (3) and an Appeal by Health Professionals has been launched (4).(Keep reading .....http://mondediplo.com/2008/04/14who)
Chernobyl, Belarus has all the information Japan needs

Belarus has all the information Japan needs.
My trips to Belarus in 2011 and to the W.H.O. / U.N. in Geneva. Belarus has all the information Japan needs - and still the belarusian government and the WHO...
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